Hi all! I started a journey to live a little greener after learning from others how human behaviors can impact our Earth. I found so many ways to green my routines and that those small changes really make a big difference. I wanted to shout from my rooftop things like “bring your own water bottle, single-use bottles are stupid!” and “recycle that cereal box you dummy!” Instead of doing that, I figured that sharing what I’ve learned through online platforms may reach a wider audience than those within earshot of my roof.
I do not live a zero waste lifestyle, I am not a strict vegan (just plant-based) and I still make trash. However, I have made a conscious effort to seek better options always.
You don’t have to live a perfectly green life to make an impact as every change makes a real difference. If you can make a change in your life to live a little greener, you should!

Hi all! I started a journey to live a little greener after learning from others how human behaviors can impact our Earth. I found so many ways to green my routines and that those small changes really make a big difference.
I do not live a zero waste lifestyle, I am not a strict vegan (just plant-based) and I still make trash. However, I have made a conscious effort to seek better options always.
You don’t have to live a perfectly green life to make an impact as every change makes a real difference. If you can make a change in your life to live a little greener, you should!